You want to earn money, the Twitter fleet will be inserted with ads

by Krish Karthik

THE MENLO PARK – Stories feature ala Twitter , Fleet, looks like there will be commercials in the future. Because the company is known to test advertisements on the feature.This Instagram and Snap’s Stories cloning feature seems to have worked well enough that Twitter is now looking to monetize it.

Ad formats on Fleet will have full-screen vertical format the first time around Twitter. Ads about this fleet will appear on downloads between people who are being tracked. Brands advertising on Fleet will also include “swiping up” in their ad impressions.Images and videos are in 9:16 aspect ratio and support up to 30 seconds of content. This duration is much shorter than what appears in similar features on various other social media.“Ads on Fleet are full screen billboards for advertisers,” wrote Justin Hoang, senior product manager at Twitter and Austin Evers, global product marketing manager.

Twitter is partnering with several advertisers in this essay. As it’s still in testing, Twitter recently made the Fleet ads visible to a limited group of US users on iOS and Android.The company, founded by Jack Dorsey, plans to carefully study the performance of full-screen vertical ads in the Fleet feature. Not just for those featured ads, but for future vertical ads.

We also believe that ads should be low-key and provide value to people, so we focused on how people feel and engage with these new locations,” Hoang and Evers said.

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