Top 5 Tech News Application for IOS and Android

by Krish Karthik
Top 5 Tech News Application for IOS and Android

Best and Popular Technology News application for IOS and Android

As a Technology based interested person, where you will get any tech industry update?. In app Store lot of sources for updating your tech trends. In this article we are going to discuss sources and best app list. These lists will help the users who would like to updating the technology trends and tech updates.

Find Best and analysed and reviewed tech apps for checking new updates and product reviews, products and new upcoming technology updates.

1. Medium

medium technology updates and trend

Medium is like a Warm, interesting, and Lovely reader than you must have the medium. Medium is an best and innovative , excellent web application among original, creative, funny, interesting article store and mobile application is even better than comes with innovative ideas like audio, instead of reading the user can here the article through voice audio. Variety of innovative and interesting field topics are covered by people from different the technology expert in tech industry.

Medium content writer are very professional from the different technology business and exploring their individual and personal experiences. For accessing unlimited articles users need membership subscription. Medium is best and great choice and application for understanding and updating their tech knowledge.

2. Tech Crunch

tech crunch technology updates and trends app

Tech Crunch started at 2005 by Michael Arrington. TC is one of the best tech blogs in the decades. Every entrepreneurs having dream to get cover on Tech crunch. TC provides provides best technology business ideas with interesting product and apps and products.

TC Blogs included with option of their writers with new updates, product reviews, new technology updates. If you are looking for a new technology updates and you can also get tech company updated and trends. Tech crunch also handing tech company events and updated, and meetings all around world.

3. FlipBoard

Flip Board tech news update trends app

One of the best apps for providing best tech news which included all updates and trends updates on daily. In this website gives tech news content and latest technology updates are very neat and professional manner.
Flip Board separately publishes their tech updates and productivity, social media, android, IOS, apple news etc.. you can separately subscribe each magazine publications and also everyone can provide own magazines and adding article from the web and application.

4. TechMeme

techmeme technology updates and trends app

TechMeme is best resource for getting new updates on what’s happening in the technology world. TechMeme having best tech news update are better than other tech blogs. Website and app looks best and convenient design and better navigation. Every news consist of title and short description.

5. Newsy

newsy tech news and tech update app

Newsy is one of the best and good short tech news apps are available only in android platform. Newsy is most trusted and viewed tech news app in US and better news app platform for reading news and viewing videos. Many features are included like short videos and summary of the news covering important facts and updates.

It’s included all category like national, international, health, entertainment, technology, science, finance , and sports.

Frequently asked questions?

How to get immediate tech updates?

These lists will help the users who would like to updating the technology trends and tech updates.

Top 5 apps for technology news and updates?

Medium, Flipboard, techmeme, newsy, techcrunch.

What is technology update?

In app Store lot of sources for updating your tech trends.

Where I can learn new tech updates?

you can learn tech updates from apps and website and above listed application.

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