10 rules to follow to properly secure your smartphone

by Krish Karthik
10 rules to follow to properly secure your smartphone

Just like your computer, it is important to protect your smartphone from hackers and online threats. To do this, opt for a security application and follow the steps.

With summer fast approaching, more and more people are using their smartphones for tasks like doing last-minute vacation shopping, accessing their bank account, or staying connected with friends. The smartphones are the most offered gifts and millions of new users try their new phones and seek advice to start using their new device securely. Lookout Mobile Security has created a quick list of tips to help smartphone owners have a safe.

1.Set a password
2.Download updates from your phone
3.Treat your smartphone like your PC
4.Be careful when downloading applications
5.Pay attention to private data accessed by applications
6.Download a “find my phone” application
7.Watch out for links in SMS
8.On public Wi-Fi, limit sending emails and social networks
9.Never enter your credit card information
10.Activate the “delete” function on your phone

Set a password

One of the most common challenges for smartphone owners is losing the phone and all the personal data on it. Setting a strong password for your phone and activating the automatic screen lock after 5 minutes is the best way to keep your personal information private .

Download updates from your phone

Always spend time downloading software updates . Often, they include fixes for security vulnerabilities recently found in the software. Just like with a desktop or laptop computer, staying up to date is your first line of defense against hackers and viruses.

Treat your smartphone like your

As phones become more powerful and consumers do more with them, they become more attractive targets for malicious attacks . Protect yourself and your personal data against malware , spyware, and malicious apps by downloading a security app like Lookout Mobile Security.

Be careful when downloading applications

One of the funniest things to do with a new smartphone is explore all the great apps you can download. As you start exploring, be sure to download responsibly. Only download apps from trusted sites, check the app rating, and read reviews to make sure it is widely used and respected.

Pay attention to private data accessed by applications

Applications have the ability to access a lot of information about you. When installing the app, take the time to read the personal data and information it needs to access. Whether it’s access to your location, personal information, or text messages, it should make sense that the app needs access to these capabilities.

Download a “find my phone” application

No matter how careful you are to have your phone with you at all times, you are bound to lose it at least once, or it might even get stolen. Download an app that helps locate your phone if it’s lost or stolen. Make sure you can lock your phone remotely if it is stolen or lost.

Watch out for links in SMS

We talk about smishing , or the combination of texting and phishing, when a scammer sends you a message redirecting you to a scam site or asking you to enter sensitive information. Do not click on links in text messages or emails if you do not know the sender or if they appear suspicious. Trust your instincts.

On public Wi-Fi, limit sending emails and social networks

Public Wi-Fi networks have become ubiquitous, but unfortunately the protection of websites you can access is not. Many websites, email and instant messaging programs, and social networking sites are not completely safe when browsing or accessing them from a public Wi-Fi network. Also, try to limit your online shopping to “window shopping” on a public network.

Never enter your credit card information

If a site asks you to enter your credit card information, you should automatically see if the web address begins with “https”. On insecure networks, (those that only have http: //), this means that a hacker could easily steal your information such as usernames, passwords, and credit card numbers, which could lead to theft. ‘identity.

Activate the “delete” function on your phone

If you (or your phone) find yourself in a tough spot, and you won’t be able to get your phone back, download an app to wipe data off your phone so your personal information doesn’t fall into the wrong hands. If you can, try downloading an app that can erase your SD card as well.

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