How to charge your smartphone faster?

by Krish Karthik

In this guide, we’ll explain how to charge your smartphone faster. Admitted it! Android is currently the most popular mobile operating system. Compared to other mobile operating systems, Android offers more features and customization options. Additionally, Android is known for its massive app ecosystem.

If you have been using an Android device for a while, you may have noticed that the battery charging speed slows down over time. This happens for a variety of reasons, and in this article we will list a few of them.

10 tips to charge your smartphone faster

Not only that, but we’ll even list some best methods to charge your smartphone faster.

These are the essential tips that will help you increase the speed of your battery charging. Let’s check.

1. Use airplane mode while charging

In Airplane mode, all of your networks and wireless connectivity are shut down, and it’s still the best mode to charge your Android.

The consumption of your battery will then decrease very sharply and you will be able to recharge it quickly and with great efficiency. Even this setting can reduce your charging time by up to 40%, so you have to try it.

2. Turn off your smartphone for faster charging

Many users choose to turn off their smartphone before charging it. The reason is that when you charge your device, RAM, CPU, background apps all use up battery and result in slower charging.

So, if you choose to turn off your Smartphone while charging, it will charge faster.

3. Turn off mobile data, Wifi, GPS and Bluetooth

If you don’t want to turn off your device or activate AirPlane mode, you should at least turn off mobile data, WiFi, GPS and Bluetooth.

These forms of wireless connectivity also consume a lot of battery, and your battery charging process will take longer with all of them. So it is better to turn them off and enjoy the fast charge.

4. Use the original charger adapter and data cable

Only products specially designed for your Android from manufacturing are best compatible with your Android.

So it is always better to stick with the original charge to avoid damage to the battery and faster charging.

5. Use battery saver mode

It doesn’t help you charge your battery quickly. However, you can use the built-in feature, which is the stock option for many models.

If you have Android Lollipop or later, you can find the battery saver option in the settings. Turn it on to save power while your phone is charging.

6. Never use your smartphone while charging

There are many rumors that using a phone while charging causes smartphones to explode, but that remains to be proven.

But one thing is for sure, using your Smartphone while charging will increase your overall charging time. We therefore suggest that you never use a smartphone while charging.

7. Avoid wireless charging

Well, we’re not criticizing wireless chargers. However, it is still more efficient to transfer energy through a cable than through a simple contact. Second, the lost power manifests itself in excess heat.

Another thing is that wireless chargers offer a considerably slower charging experience than their wired counterparts. So it’s always best to avoid wireless charging.

8. Never charge your smartphone from a PC

The reason is simple whenever you charge your smartphone from a PC; it will not bring any benefit to your phone as the computer USB ports are usually 5V at 0.5 amps.

Since USB provides half the current, it charges the phone at half the speed. So, do not charge your smartphone with a PC.

9. Activate the ultra power saving mode

If you own a Samsung smartphone, it’s more likely that your phone already has an ultra power saving mode. Not just Samsung devices, most devices have this mode.

Ultra power saving mode on Android could be used instead of “turn on airplane mode”. Thus, this feature helps users to charge their smartphones faster without disabling network services.

10. Do not charge the battery from 0 to 100%

The study claims that a full charge will reduce battery life. However, you may have noticed that every time your smartphone battery hits the 50% mark, it starts to drain faster than 100% to 50%? In fact, his is coming!

So, make sure to charge your smartphone whenever it is about to reach 50% and remove the charger whenever it reaches 95%, you will enjoy better battery life and fast charging.

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